Nexus International School (Singapore) has an IT Use Policy that applies to all Y6 to Y13 Learners. It exists to provide a framework for the effective and legal use of information technologies. You will need to complete the online form relevant to your year group using the links below:

IT Use Policy Form for Y5 and Y6

IT Use Policy Form for Y7, Y8 and Y9

IT Use Policy Form for Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13

IT Policy (Y7, Y8, Y9) - Chinese Translation

IT Policy (Y10, Y11, Y12, Y13) - Chinese Translation

Introduction to the Use Policy

IT resources at Nexus International School (Singapore), including Internet access, email accounts, and digital learning resources are provided for educational purposes only. They can be accessed via a device provided by the school or a personal device.
These devices can be desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones or any other computing device that can store or process information or access the Internet.
Learners are expected to use the digital resources, computing devices and the Internet responsibly for school related, educational purposes only. This applies whilst on the school campus or whilst taking part in other school related activities off campus.
All Nexus Learners are expected to be responsible Digital Citizens.
The responsible use of IT includes the ethical and legal use of technology that takes into consideration the privacy of others and meets the standards of behavior outlined in the Nexus International School (Singapore) Engagement Policy, The Singapore Personal Data Protection Act and The Singapore Copyright Act.
Learners should consider their health and safety when using any IT equipment. The IT helpdesk can provide advice and guidance.
This policy is expected to be understood within the context of Taylor’s RECIPE and the IB Learner Profile
Adherence to this policy is essential for continued access to the school’s IT resources.