For your protection Google Safe Search and YouTube Restricted Mode are enforced whenever you are using your Neuxs Google account, inside or outside the school network. Inside the school network they are enforced whichever browser or account you use. This cannot be disabled. For further protection the content accessible by you while you are using the school network is filtered and monitored by our educational firewall called CyberEdge and for added protection against malware, ransomware, botnets and phishing attacks a DNS perimeter defence agent is installed onto you devices, this is Cisco Umbrella. Further information about Google Safe Search, YouTube Restricted Mode, Cyberhound and Cisco Umbrella can be found in the Resources section.
Device Care
For protectng your MacBook we advise you to get a keyboard cover to protect against damage from liquid and a hard plastic shell cover to protect from knocks, drops and bangs. An outer sleeve or carry bag will protect it further and it is best carried to and from school in a rucksack that has some prteotection from the heavy rainstorms we get here in Singapore. iPads are also best protected by an outer sleeve. In case your device is lost or stolen we advise that you configure Find my iPad or Find my Mac. This can be found under settings of the device.
Your Nexus Google account should be used for school work only as its content is accessible by the IT team and therefore should not be used for private or confidential matters. Your emails are journaled in Google Vault so copies of incoming and outgoing emails are logged even if they are deleted by the owner. For safety and privacy with your device you should adjust the setting that requires you to login with a password or passcode each time you use your device. On a MacBook this is found in system preferences > security and privacy > general > require password after sleep or screen saver begins - check this and set the time to "immediately".
For your device to remain connected to the Internet through the school WiFi the configurations and installations listed on the setup page must not be removed from the device - if they are uninstalled (or the device is repaired or reimaged) your device will be blocked from using the Internet and you will need to repair your installation by visting the IT Office where one of our experienced techs will be able to assist.
Backups of work kept on learner personal devices is the resposnsibility of the learner and the school is unable to help with recovering any data or documents lost due to corruption, theft or damage. For this reason we encourgae you to store all your school work in Google Drive, Canvas or Seesaw. We keep daily backups of everything in your Google Account if you are in Y9 and above, for all other learners there is the 30 day bin that can be used to retrieve deleted files along with the version history avaiable within certain Google files that allows past changes to be amended.