Withdrawal Form

Access to account after leaving

Access to reports

Over the years you have collected your work resources, communications, and contacts in your Nexus Google Account. This account will not be available to you after you leave so if you wish to take these resources away you will need to export them and you can do this easily using a tool called Google Takeout. To find out how please read the following document: 

Google - Using Google Takeout

You may also have some work on one of the school’s learning platforms, Canvas or Seesaw, that you also wish to take. If so, please follow these instructions:

Canvas - Downloading submissions from Canvas

Seesaw - Downloading My Journal

OneNote - One Note Export

Your accounts will be suspended on xxxxxxx after the term ends and as the export process can be quite lengthy (depending on the amount you have stored in your Google account) it is worth starting this sooner rather than later. If you need help with Google Takeout, please contact the IT Helpdesk.

 If you are leaving before the last day of term, please make sure you complete the required procedures in good time before your final day as your account may be disabled on the day you leave.

 If you are in Year 5 and above and have your own MacBook please be aware that we have set the firmware password to be the same as your student code, which is «PupilCode». You will need this if you ever need your MacBook repaired or upgraded.

If you have any other queries please contact the Helpdesk at ict@nexus.edu.sg