Nexus Self Service for iPads and MacBooks

Nexus Self Service is an 'app catalogue' specific to our school that allows learners and staff to select  and install the approved apps they need,  without calling IT.  It allows us to deploy apps efficiently ensuring resources, content and apps are only a click away and if an app is accidentally removed it can easily be replaced from Self Service.  We control which resources are available to learners ensuring the apps are a curated collection specific to the learing taking place in each Year Group.  The Self Service App is only available to devices enrolled with JAMF, our MDM  software.

Nexus Self Service for the iPad

The iPad Self Service is an app installed by the Nexus IT Team and can be found on the homescreen of your iPad - the icon is shown above.  The image below shows the iPad version.

Nexus Self Service for the MacBook

The MacBook Self Service is an application installed by the Nexus IT Team and can be found by going to the Launch Pad or by searching in Spotlight. It is shown in the image below.